animator / designer / illustrator
02 Brain Eyeball Morph_reduced-squarespace.gif

scale: BRAIN

Client: Pioneer Works Science Studios

Roles: Art Direction, 3D Modeling, Animation, Compositing, Video Art

For this upcoming video for Pioneer Works created by Tom McNamara and in collaboration with executive producer, scientist, and author Janna Levin, we consider the brain on three unique scales.

Microscopic:nanometer-sized neurons, the domain of the invisible. Human:the world that we can perceive. Macro:a brain the size of a planet, a realm that can seem improbably vast. This is Powers of Ten, but for the brain.

A recurring triangle motif reinforces the three scales under consideration. A significant amount of compositing and VFX also appear throughout the video, combining video footage and analog video to create a cohesive textural experience.

I used analog video synthesis to create textural backgrounds on which appear rotating 3D objects rendered in a 2D style.